Vessels: Friendship Pt. 2

Friendship with God

Hello! Greet the people at your table, ask them about their week, and make introductions so everyone knows each other. 


Friendships today look drastically different from the friendships we had in high school or college. There were times when our friends were closer than family. Making friends was easier- we saw them all the time through sports, classes, or job schedules. Whether we call them our “Best Friends Forever” (emphasis on forever), or our “Ride or Dies,” those friendships may look different with every new life stage we enter. Maybe your graduation or wedding was the last time you saw some of these friends. Maybe new seasons call for new friendships.  What does it look like to intentionally pour into our friendships and become an authentic friend at any time or place you’re in? 

Today we will reflect on the lifelong friendships we’ve had and dive deep into creating a friendship culture wherever you are. Friends either happen for a reason or happen for a season, and we can explore that in today’s table talks. The goals in mind are the following: 

  • Recognizing that every season brings different friendship needs. 

  • Recognizing the initiative Christ took to create a friendship culture in the Church, and carrying out His mission through friendship. 

  • Committing to be intentional with connection throughout March and April



  1. What do you remember about your best friend in elementary school? How did you become friends?

  2. When did you begin to really understand the significance of friendships? 

  3. It’s easy to feel connected through social media, or through day to day interactions at work/ school. Why do you think a generation more connected than ever is one of the loneliest generations? 

  4. As you get farther and farther from high school, how have your expectations of friendship changed? 

  5. How does friendship with God inform the friendships you pursue now? Do you experience a need for more or different friendships?

  6. Read Proverbs 18:24

    • Long before the world will buy into Jesus, they’ll buy into an atmosphere of real friendship. How is creating a culture of friendship a personal responsibility in the church? 

      • How is it different from a ministry leader holding that responsibility? 

    • Why does it feel like authentic friendships in the church are harder to create than friendships at work or school?

      • How can we change that reality? 

  7. Read Proverbs 17:17

    • If God is the author of love, what does that look like for His love to be shown in friendships? 

    • Which comes first: friendship or bearing one another’s burdens?

    • How can you help bear another’s burdens this month? 

Closing Practice/Prayer

  • On a scale of 1 to 5, how are you doing at having authentic friendship with people around you? 

    • What is one way you can “up-the-ante” on it this week for people in your life?

  • Be the friend someone needs. Who can you intentionally reach out to? 

  • The month of April we’ll be taking a break from Table Talks. How can you be intentional with those two extra nights to build authentic friendships?

  • Maybe you’re the one who needs some help bearing a burden… How can we pray for that?


Vessels: Relationships


Vessels: Friendship