Vessels: Mentorship
Being Mentored
Hello! Greet the people at your table, ask them about their week, and make introductions so everyone knows each other.
Not gonna lie, finding one passage to serve as an example of good mentorship was a challenge. It’s easy for us to notice the “big” moments when the baton is passed, but far before influence is given, there is always a season of mentorship and development. Many of those examples exist in just two or three words saying “and so-and-so went with them.” A large part of mentorship and discipleship is simply doing life together.
At this age, having someone you can look up to and aim to be like is so important. We see leadership and adults around us in a new light - as people who have been where we’ve been and have gained some experience from it. We have new questions, and not one teacher to give us a 20-page PowerPoint for relationships, careers, and developing Godly character.
We’re going to dive deeper into 2 Kings 2:1-15 tonight when that mantle of leadership transfers from Elijah and Elisha. It’s important to keep in mind that at this point, Elisha had been traveling with Elijah for years. He witnessed miracles, heard sermons, and saw the nitty-gritty of ministry up close and personal.
If you could be mentored by anyone - dead or alive - (and not Jesus, that’s a cop-out answer), who would it be?
What have your past mentor relationships been like?
Is it possible for something to substitute the role of a mentor and how can we ensure that our mentor does not become more significant than God in our lives?
Why do you think it’s important to have a mentor?
Ecc. 4:9-10 - two are better than one; pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up
Pro. 15:22 - Plans fail or lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed
Pro. 13:20 - Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm
Heb. 13:7 - Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith
Read 2 Kings 2:1-15
What do you think Elisha observed while following Elijah?
How would you describe their relationship?
Do you think you would have been insistent as Elijah to follow to the very end?
If Elisha had agreed to leave Elijah, what opportunities would he have missed out on?
Elisha wouldn’t have had the opportunity to be blessed with a double portion and be granted it.
Elisha observed the miracle of parting the water and was able to duplicate it.
Elisha gained the trust and respect of the people that observed his intimate relationship with Elisha.
What are some other things God pointed out to you about this passage?
What does scripture suggest makes a “good” mentor?
How does Christian mentorship look different from the mentorship of the world?
What areas would you like to receive mentorship or guidance in currently?
Closing Prayer / Practice
Challenge everyone to send a text to a possible mentor at the table right now.
If you can think of someone who would make a good mentor at your table, offer to make an introduction for them.
Pray specific prayers, that God will bring examples and wise influences into everyone’s lives. Don’t be afraid to make specific requests for needs to be filled.