When In Rome: Romans 14


Romans 14 addresses the issue of Christian liberty and how believers should handle differing convictions within the church. Paul emphasizes that Christians should not judge each other over disputable matters, such as dietary choices or observing certain days as holy. Instead, they should act in love and avoid causing their fellow believers to stumble in their faith. The chapter underscores the importance of personal conviction guided by faith, respect for others' beliefs, and the overarching principle of unity within the body of Christ.


Romans 14:1-3

"Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them."

Romans 14:13

"Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister."

Romans 14:19

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.


  1. What does Paul mean by "disputable matters" in the context of Romans 14?

  2. How should Christians handle differences in opinions on non-essential issues according to this chapter?

  3. What are some modern examples of "disputable matters" that Christians might face today?

  4. Why does Paul emphasize not causing a fellow believer to stumble? How can we apply this principle in our daily lives?

  5. How can we balance personal conviction with respect for others' differing beliefs within the church?

  6. What role does love play in how we interact with other believers who have different convictions?

  7. In what ways can judging others harm the unity of the church? Can you think of a personal experience where judgmental attitudes caused division?

Call to Action

  • Self-Reflection: Spend time this week reflecting on any judgments or attitudes you may hold towards other believers regarding disputable matters. Pray for a heart of understanding and acceptance.

  • Encouragement: Identify someone in your community who holds different convictions from you. Reach out to them with a message of encouragement, emphasizing your unity in Christ despite differing opinions.

  • Community Building: Organize or participate in a group discussion or activity that focuses on understanding and respecting different viewpoints within your church. Use this as an opportunity to strengthen relationships and promote unity.


Jesus Over Everything: Culture


When In Rome: Romans 12-13